Wednesday, January 28, 2009

week 2

Assignment: Find 25 lincoln era photos and 25 new photos. Include 15 recent photos.

Craft: I found 25 lincoln era photos using different web sources and I took 15 new photos to add to the photos saved on my memory card. I saved the photos to my flash drive then I used lightroom to organize the photos and print them out.

Composition: I chose this lincoln era photo because I like the intensity of the head on view.

I chose this new photo because its a picture of me and my best friend.

Concept: I`m going to use a head on shot and a photo from a party. I want to show a serious side and a fun side.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

week one

Assignment: Set up gmail and blog account.
Craft: Got a photo off the web, started a gmail account, started a blog account, and set up a blog.
Composition: This picture symbolizes a very happy time in my life. I took it my senior year while visiting southern universities. I chose this template because it highlights my personality which is soft and feminine.
Concept: I am determined and not easily persuaded . I never let my environment or the people in it sidetrack me . I remained focused and I put all my energy into obtaining my goals.