Sunday, February 22, 2009

week 5

Assignment: Take a photo that will relay your intended message.

Craft: I chosea topic that upset me and took a photo that could alter to relay the message. I want to combine 3 images but this image will be the background.

Composition: the photo symbolizes the happier side of love.

Concept: I want to show the love/hate aspects of love.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

week 4

Assignment: To resize and play with the coloring in the images we created using photoshop.
Craft: when importing my saved picture into photoshop I played with the coloring using color saturation, temperture, brightness & contrast, and the black levels. I used image size to resize my photo to 11x17 and changed the resolution to 300. When printing my image I changed the resolution, image size, and the paper size. I printed the image on regular and glossy paper.
Composition: I used this photo because it was the most interesting image. The image is intended to look like an old photo.
Concept: Merging lincoln and a young African American male, showing humor and history.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Assignment: Combine a linclon era photo and a photo that I have recently taken.
Craft: I uploaded my recent photos and saved them to a new folder. I moved the lincoln era photos from the flash drive and saved them in a folder labeled old photos. I went into photoshop and imported the photos into the program. I used the new photo as a background and two shots of lincoln. I copied lincolns face from both photos. I placed each face on top of my friends in the photo using the scale tool. I changed the photo to black and white, lightened up lincolns face, and lined the eyes up with the people in the background picture. I used the brightness/contrast tool to make the skin colors match the burn key to lightened up the eyes.
Composition: I chose these photos because I wanted to merge the ideas and roles of the young African American male with the importance of lincoln to our culture and history.
Concept: I am trying to display the African American urban culture of todays youth and add a little of the history to it, which added a little humor to the photo.