Wednesday, April 29, 2009

week 15

Click here to see new website
Assignment: Create a web page about myself and visual communications. 
Craft: I combined all my artwork from the semester and pics of myself. I created a page about myself and all the projects we completed to date. I played around with colors and fonts. I linked my blog to my website and vice versa.
Composition: I made a page highlighting my  personality and progress throughout the class.  
Concept: I combined things about myself with the elements of the class. I showed how used the things that I learned in class from my point of view. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

week 13

Assignment: Create web page with iweb using past images and photos.
Craft: create a folder with photos of you and projects from class. open the iweb program and choose a template. create a page about you and the next page should highlight is the class. add your own titles, colors, and fonts. then add your photos and information.
Composition: I choose my images in templates because it appealed to me and the directions I wanted to go in.
Concept: I just wanted to create a fun and interesting page.

Monday, April 13, 2009


assignment: Finish comic book using comic life.
Craft: Uploaded images into comic life and played around with different frames and colors.
added dialogue and text boxes.
Composition: The order of the photos and color choices allowed us to tell the story without giving away the ending.
Concept: We added a photo of a couple holding a baby to complete the story .

week 11

Assignment: Making art only using two colors.
Craft: My group experimented with blues and yellows. These colors complemented each other well and helped to depict the feel of the story.
Composition: We used these colors to highlight a lonely and sad feeling.
Concept: the colors add to the feeling of anticipation in the story. It shows the feelings of both characters through out the story and the reaction to the surprise.