Wednesday, April 29, 2009

week 15

Click here to see new website
Assignment: Create a web page about myself and visual communications. 
Craft: I combined all my artwork from the semester and pics of myself. I created a page about myself and all the projects we completed to date. I played around with colors and fonts. I linked my blog to my website and vice versa.
Composition: I made a page highlighting my  personality and progress throughout the class.  
Concept: I combined things about myself with the elements of the class. I showed how used the things that I learned in class from my point of view. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

week 13

Assignment: Create web page with iweb using past images and photos.
Craft: create a folder with photos of you and projects from class. open the iweb program and choose a template. create a page about you and the next page should highlight is the class. add your own titles, colors, and fonts. then add your photos and information.
Composition: I choose my images in templates because it appealed to me and the directions I wanted to go in.
Concept: I just wanted to create a fun and interesting page.

Monday, April 13, 2009


assignment: Finish comic book using comic life.
Craft: Uploaded images into comic life and played around with different frames and colors.
added dialogue and text boxes.
Composition: The order of the photos and color choices allowed us to tell the story without giving away the ending.
Concept: We added a photo of a couple holding a baby to complete the story .

week 11

Assignment: Making art only using two colors.
Craft: My group experimented with blues and yellows. These colors complemented each other well and helped to depict the feel of the story.
Composition: We used these colors to highlight a lonely and sad feeling.
Concept: the colors add to the feeling of anticipation in the story. It shows the feelings of both characters through out the story and the reaction to the surprise.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lipstick Dynamite

Assignment: View Lipstick dynamite.

Craft: Film/documentary by Ruth Lietman

Composition: The film gave you a look into female wrestling from the thirties to present day. I enjoyed the archival clips because the women were fighting like men, they were rough and aggressive. This form of wrestling was realistic unlike present day wrestling. It contained old and new footage and interviews with the former female wrestlers. The women even in old age were still kind of rough around the edges. There was a woman by the name of "Moolah" and she started a business through her career. She would find and train new girls." Moolah" continued wrestling until the age of 80. So she was apart of the new wrestling world which I found ridiculous. I appreciate the fact that at that time the wrestling was real and in the clips I could see the difference. I also found the potty mouths the women had to be very funny. At that time this sport was so extreme a woman died in the ring.These woman worked and trained hard in order to take down and hurt their opponents.

Concept: Even though the woman were really rough, they were still expected to be feminine. They stayed in shape and were made up to appeal to a male audience. Lietman used this media to show the different sides of woman. These woman were not what you typically expected when you think of woman of that time but they were ladylike in every other other aspect.

week 8

Assignment: Take photos for comic book assignment.
Craft: Went to different locations to take photos that would tell the story. we uploaded the pics to photo shop and played with different filters. We experimented with black & white, color, and mixing filters. We also experimented with changing the colors in the image.
Composition: I Chose the last frame because that's when the story comes together and the surprise/package is revealed. It brings together the purpose of the first frames.
Concept: The concept of the images is to show the girls stress and the boyfriends shocked expression. Although it should be a happy time the couple is expressing many different emotions.


Assignment: Create a story that you will later tell with photos.
Craft:  We were put into groups and told to come up with a story. We were given details of a person traveling, a person waiting, and a package. We came up with a basic story line in class and worked out the details. We created a story board telling the story in 12 boxes.
Composition: The story is about a pregnant 21 year old girl named Katie. she living at home with her parents. She is hiding it from her family and her boyfriend. When her family found out they kicked her out. So she decided to go visit her boyfriend who is in the military. She tells him she has a surprise for him and he is really excited. She travels by train to the base. When she arrives she turns around and shows him his surprise. 
Concept: We want to show the element of excitement and surprise. The excitement is the guy seeing his girlfriend after months of being apart and the surprise is the girl showing up eight months pregnant.     

week 6

Assignment: To continue with the project using things that you are passionate about.
Craft: I combined five photos using photo shop. I took photos using different light sources and angles in the lab. Two of the photos were taken outdoors using sunlight as the only light source. I took one thing from each photo and layered them unto my background. I re sized and scaled each aspect of the photo. I skewed the boot in the photo, changed the photo to black and white, and made the eyes blend in.
Composition: I chose these photo to show domestic violence and the first time I experienced with my grandmother as a child. This is something she and my mother had to deal with, so I decided to depict there struggle. 
Concept: I wanted the image to depict my grandmothers struggle from a personal aspect and the struggle that many women are still going through to date. It seems like the cycle never ends so I used my grandmothers eye and a friends eye to show the history and the modern aspects of the abuse. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

week 5

Assignment: Take a photo that will relay your intended message.

Craft: I chosea topic that upset me and took a photo that could alter to relay the message. I want to combine 3 images but this image will be the background.

Composition: the photo symbolizes the happier side of love.

Concept: I want to show the love/hate aspects of love.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

week 4

Assignment: To resize and play with the coloring in the images we created using photoshop.
Craft: when importing my saved picture into photoshop I played with the coloring using color saturation, temperture, brightness & contrast, and the black levels. I used image size to resize my photo to 11x17 and changed the resolution to 300. When printing my image I changed the resolution, image size, and the paper size. I printed the image on regular and glossy paper.
Composition: I used this photo because it was the most interesting image. The image is intended to look like an old photo.
Concept: Merging lincoln and a young African American male, showing humor and history.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Assignment: Combine a linclon era photo and a photo that I have recently taken.
Craft: I uploaded my recent photos and saved them to a new folder. I moved the lincoln era photos from the flash drive and saved them in a folder labeled old photos. I went into photoshop and imported the photos into the program. I used the new photo as a background and two shots of lincoln. I copied lincolns face from both photos. I placed each face on top of my friends in the photo using the scale tool. I changed the photo to black and white, lightened up lincolns face, and lined the eyes up with the people in the background picture. I used the brightness/contrast tool to make the skin colors match the burn key to lightened up the eyes.
Composition: I chose these photos because I wanted to merge the ideas and roles of the young African American male with the importance of lincoln to our culture and history.
Concept: I am trying to display the African American urban culture of todays youth and add a little of the history to it, which added a little humor to the photo.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

week 2

Assignment: Find 25 lincoln era photos and 25 new photos. Include 15 recent photos.

Craft: I found 25 lincoln era photos using different web sources and I took 15 new photos to add to the photos saved on my memory card. I saved the photos to my flash drive then I used lightroom to organize the photos and print them out.

Composition: I chose this lincoln era photo because I like the intensity of the head on view.

I chose this new photo because its a picture of me and my best friend.

Concept: I`m going to use a head on shot and a photo from a party. I want to show a serious side and a fun side.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

week one

Assignment: Set up gmail and blog account.
Craft: Got a photo off the web, started a gmail account, started a blog account, and set up a blog.
Composition: This picture symbolizes a very happy time in my life. I took it my senior year while visiting southern universities. I chose this template because it highlights my personality which is soft and feminine.
Concept: I am determined and not easily persuaded . I never let my environment or the people in it sidetrack me . I remained focused and I put all my energy into obtaining my goals.