Monday, March 23, 2009


Assignment: Create a story that you will later tell with photos.
Craft:  We were put into groups and told to come up with a story. We were given details of a person traveling, a person waiting, and a package. We came up with a basic story line in class and worked out the details. We created a story board telling the story in 12 boxes.
Composition: The story is about a pregnant 21 year old girl named Katie. she living at home with her parents. She is hiding it from her family and her boyfriend. When her family found out they kicked her out. So she decided to go visit her boyfriend who is in the military. She tells him she has a surprise for him and he is really excited. She travels by train to the base. When she arrives she turns around and shows him his surprise. 
Concept: We want to show the element of excitement and surprise. The excitement is the guy seeing his girlfriend after months of being apart and the surprise is the girl showing up eight months pregnant.     

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