Monday, March 23, 2009

week 6

Assignment: To continue with the project using things that you are passionate about.
Craft: I combined five photos using photo shop. I took photos using different light sources and angles in the lab. Two of the photos were taken outdoors using sunlight as the only light source. I took one thing from each photo and layered them unto my background. I re sized and scaled each aspect of the photo. I skewed the boot in the photo, changed the photo to black and white, and made the eyes blend in.
Composition: I chose these photo to show domestic violence and the first time I experienced with my grandmother as a child. This is something she and my mother had to deal with, so I decided to depict there struggle. 
Concept: I wanted the image to depict my grandmothers struggle from a personal aspect and the struggle that many women are still going through to date. It seems like the cycle never ends so I used my grandmothers eye and a friends eye to show the history and the modern aspects of the abuse. 

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