Monday, March 23, 2009

Lipstick Dynamite

Assignment: View Lipstick dynamite.

Craft: Film/documentary by Ruth Lietman

Composition: The film gave you a look into female wrestling from the thirties to present day. I enjoyed the archival clips because the women were fighting like men, they were rough and aggressive. This form of wrestling was realistic unlike present day wrestling. It contained old and new footage and interviews with the former female wrestlers. The women even in old age were still kind of rough around the edges. There was a woman by the name of "Moolah" and she started a business through her career. She would find and train new girls." Moolah" continued wrestling until the age of 80. So she was apart of the new wrestling world which I found ridiculous. I appreciate the fact that at that time the wrestling was real and in the clips I could see the difference. I also found the potty mouths the women had to be very funny. At that time this sport was so extreme a woman died in the ring.These woman worked and trained hard in order to take down and hurt their opponents.

Concept: Even though the woman were really rough, they were still expected to be feminine. They stayed in shape and were made up to appeal to a male audience. Lietman used this media to show the different sides of woman. These woman were not what you typically expected when you think of woman of that time but they were ladylike in every other other aspect.

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